Home > @hapoosjs/api-buckets

api-buckets package

API for managing cloud buckets


Version 1.1.0


Class Description
Bucket Cloud bucket
BucketFile A file stored in a cloud bucket
BucketFileList List of files stored in a bucket returned by a list or search query
BucketFileMetadata Metadata describing a file in a cloud bucket
BucketList List of buckets returned in response to list or search query
BucketWebsiteConfiguration Website configuration when a bucket is used to store Web pages for a site
CreateBucketOptions Optional configuration specified at bucket creation.
DeleteBucketOptions Optional configuration specified at bucket creation
EncryptionSettings Optional settings passed to set default encryption policy on Buckets instance
FileVersion Provides metadata about a file version
FileVersionList List of versions of a file
GetFileOptions Options passed when downloading a file
ListFilesOptions Optional parameters passed to listFiles method on Buckets
ListFileVersionsOptions Options for Buckets.listFileVersions() method
PutFileOptions Optional settings passed when uploading a file to a bucket
SetEncryptionOptions Optional settings passed to set default encryption policy on Buckets instance


Interface Description
Buckets Provides methods to manage cloud buckets and stored bojects

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
Access Bucket access type